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How the PC game became the Real Escape Game

Imagine you are trapped in a mysterious virtual space. This is what happened to the first participant in the first Escape Room. However, it was exclusively a computer game in the late 1980s.

By guessing, finding the right puzzle piece and combining tasks, you tried to escape your virtual “prison” within a given time, even back then. In this case, the player was introduced to a specific scenario in which he had limited scope to act.

In the end, a short exit led out of the game. The concept of the game has not changed much since then, except for the crucial fact that the “Real Escape Game” concept has moved to the real world since 2006. First they appeared in Japan and the USA, then the games spread rapidly in Europe and then also to us in Germany. Since then, Room Escape Games have been on the road to success worldwide and inspire participants of all ages.

The Real Escape Game...

In order to open up new perspectives for oneself, one must occasionally escape the burdens of everyday life, worries and problems. Take the escape route from our TeamEscape rooms as your personal challenge. In pairs or in small groups of up to six, you’ll use all your ideas, experiences and intuitions to get out of the locked room. Whether in a cellar of ruins or in a cell, the Real Escape Game challenges the logical thinking and actions of each participant, with only one goal:

  • Just get out! As soon as possible!

...Game principle

Real Escape Game...

...make it an adventure!

The Real Escape Game is the perfect gift idea or the right event for a bachelor party or a company party.

In the Real Escape Game you can test how much stamina, brains and speed you have in order to escape from the lovingly designed rooms. Here you don’t have to feel alone, but can decide for yourself with whom you want to master the adventures together, e.g. with friends, family or work colleagues.